
Sunday, 2 August 2015

Proof of Concept or POC on Youtube Data Analysis

POC #: Youtube Data Analysis
The POC is based on Youtube data. 
Public DATASET available at below website 
Industry: Social Media
Data: Publicly available dataset with attributes like:
video ID
an 11-digit string, which is unique
a string of the video uploader's username
an integer number of days between the date when the video was uploaded and Feb.15, 2007 (YouTube's establishment)
a string of the video category chosen by the uploader
an integer number of the video length
an integer number of the views
a float number of the video rate
an integer number of the ratings
an integer number of the comments
related IDs
up to 20 strings of the related video IDs

Problem Statement: Problem Statement is to
1)     Find out the top 5 categories in which the most number of videos are uploaded.
2)     Find top 10 rated videos,
3)     Find top 10 most viewed videos
4)     Find top 10 rated videos in each category
5)     Find top  10 most viewed videos in each category
Input File Format - TAB Separated Values File (tsv file)

video ID
an 11-digit string, which is unique
a string of the video uploader's username
an integer number of days between the date when the video was uploaded and Feb.15, 2007 (YouTube's establishment)
a string of the video category chosen by the uploader
an integer number of the video length
an integer number of the views
a float number of the video rate
an integer number of the ratings
an integer number of the comments
related IDs
up to 20 strings of the related video IDs

Processing Logic – Youtube Data Analysis in Hadoop Eco-System.
Pig Script
1)     Find out the top 5 categories in which the most number of videos are uploaded.
      2)     Find top 10 rated videos,
3)     Find top 10 most viewed videos
4)     Find top 10 rated videos in each category
5)     Find top  10 most viewed videos in each category
infiles = load '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Youtube/0222/{0,1,2,3,4}.txt' using PigStorage('\t') as
files = FILTER infiles BY category is not null;
grpn_for_catagories = group files by category;
cnt_for_catagories = foreach grpn_for_catagories generate group, COUNT(files.videoid) as counting;
sorted_for_catagories_desc = order cnt_for_catagories by counting desc;
top5_for_catagories = limit sorted_for_catagories_desc 5;
STORE top5_for_catagories INTO  '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top5Catagories' using PigStorage(',');
order_rated_video = order files by rating desc;
top10_rated_video = limit order_rated_video 10;
final_top10_rated_video = foreach top10_rated_video generate $0,$3,$7;
STORE final_top10_rated_video INTO '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10Rated' using PigStorage(',');
order_viewed_video = order files by views desc;
top10_viewed_video = limit order_viewed_video 10;
final_top10_viewed_video = foreach top10_viewed_video generate $0,$3,$5;
STORE final_top10_viewed_video INTO '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10Viewed' using PigStorage(',');
top10_rated_catagories = foreach grpn_for_catagories{
                           sorted = order files by rating desc;
                           top10 = limit sorted 10;
                           generate flatten(top10);
top10_rated_by_catagories = foreach top10_rated_catagories generate $0,$3,$7;
STORE top10_rated_by_catagories INTO '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10RatedByCatagories' using PigStorage(',');
top10_viewed_catagories = foreach grpn_for_catagories{
                           sorted = order files by views desc;
                           top10 = limit sorted 10;
                           generate flatten(top10);
top10_viewed_by_catagories = foreach top10_viewed_catagories generate $0,$3,$5;
STORE top10_viewed_by_catagories INTO '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10ViewedByCatagories' using PigStorage(',');

Shell Script

Purpose of this shell script is to perform clean-up (delete existing output files) and execute the Pig Script and Hive Commands to store the resultant in Hive Tables and Store result in file (CSV format).
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db/*.lck
rm /home/mrinmoy/Downloads/POC/YoutubePOC/Top5Catagories.csv
rm /home/mrinmoy/Downloads/POC/YoutubePOC/Top10Rated.csv
rm /home/mrinmoy/Downloads/POC/YoutubePOC/Top10RatedByCatagories.csv
rm /home/mrinmoy/Downloads/POC/YoutubePOC/Top10Viewed.csv
rm /home/mrinmoy/Downloads/POC/YoutubePOC/Top10ViewedByCatagories.csv
hadoop fs -rmr /hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top5Catagories
hadoop fs -rmr /hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10Rated
hadoop fs -rmr /hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10RatedByCatagories
hadoop fs -rmr /hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10Viewed
hadoop fs -rmr /hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10ViewedByCatagories
pig /home/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Youtube/0222/Youtube_data_analysis.pig
hadoop fs -get /hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top5Catagories/part-r-00000               /home/mrinmoy/Downloads/POC/YoutubePOC/Top5Catagories.csv
hadoop fs -get /hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10Rated/part-r-00000                   /home/mrinmoy/Downloads/POC/YoutubePOC/Top10Rated.csv
hadoop fs -get /hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10RatedByCatagories/part-r-00000       /home/mrinmoy/Downloads/POC/YoutubePOC/Top10RatedByCatagories.csv
hadoop fs -get /hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10Viewed/part-r-00000                  /home/mrinmoy/Downloads/POC/YoutubePOC/Top10Viewed.csv
hadoop fs -get /hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10ViewedByCatagories/part-r-00000      /home/mrinmoy/Downloads/POC/YoutubePOC/Top10ViewedByCatagories.csv
hive -e 'drop table if exists Top5CatagoriesTable';
hive -e 'drop table if exists Top10RatedTable';
hive -e 'drop table if exists Top10RatedByCatagoriesTable';
hive -e 'drop table if exists Top10ViewedTable';
hive -e 'drop table if exists Top10ViewedByCatagoriesTable';
hive -e "create external table Top5CatagoriesTable(Top5Catagory string, VideoCount int) row format delimited fields terminated by',' lines terminated by '\n' stored as textfile location '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/hive/Top5Catagories'";
hive -e "create external table Top10RatedTable(Videoid string,Catagory string,Rating int) row format delimited fields terminated by',' lines terminated by '\n' stored as textfile location '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/hive/Top10RatedTable'";
hive -e "create external table Top10RatedByCatagoriesTable(Videoid string,Catagory string,Rating int) row format delimited fields terminated by',' lines terminated by '\n' stored as textfile location '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/hive/Top10RatedByCatagoriesTable'";
hive -e "create external table Top10ViewedTable(Videoid string,Catagory string,Viewed_count int) row format delimited fields terminated by',' lines terminated by '\n' stored as textfile location '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/hive/Top10ViewedTable'";
hive -e "create external table Top10ViewedByCatagoriesTable(Videoid string,Catagory string,Viewed_count int) row format delimited fields terminated by',' lines terminated by '\n' stored as textfile location '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/hive/Top10ViewedByCatagoriesTable'";
hive -e "load data inpath '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top5Catagories/part-r-00000' overwrite into table Top5CatagoriesTable";
hive -e "load data inpath '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10Rated/part-r-00000' overwrite into table Top10RatedTable";
hive -e "load data inpath '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10RatedByCatagories/part-r-00000' overwrite into table Top10RatedByCatagoriesTable";
hive -e "load data inpath '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10Viewed/part-r-00000' overwrite into table Top10ViewedTable";
hive -e "load data inpath '/hdfs/bhavesh/Youtube_POC/Top10ViewedByCatagories/part-r-00000' overwrite into table Top10ViewedByCatagoriesTable";

Execution of  the script


Chart view in Excel







 Input file

Data in Hive Table


  1. thank you very much,but is there any option we can execute shell programs through web applications in ubuntu os
